The Glory of God is a Man Fully Alive, and the Life of Man is the Vision of God
— St Irenaeus

Vision Statement:

Grace perfects human nature

- St. Thomas Aquinas

our mission

Three-fold mission of HFC:

  1. Elevate the conversation around integrated executive leadership formation with a special emphasis on the foundational importance of human formation as per Pastores Dabo Vobis 43 & Ephesians 2:10.

  2. Coach, train, and equip accompaniers to catalyze self-awareness, other-awareness and self-gift of persons they accompany through the deployment of the CliftonStrengths and APEST assessment tools.  

  3. Deliver robust executive coaching, organizational coaching, and leadership coaching through our proprietary 2080 Whole Person Leadership Coaching™ modality in which 20% of the input yields 80% of the human flourishing impact.   

The outcome of our three-fold mission has been to move individuals and organizations from isolated and unbalanced formation to more integrated formation that promotes increased self-awareness, other-awareness, God-awareness, self-mastery, and ultimately self-gift. Since 2016, the accompaniers we trained and helped deploy have accompanied over 500 Catholic priests and religious, over 100 seminarians, dozens of Christian CEO’s, and thousands of other lay leaders in both faith-based and secular contexts. | Learn More

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