Biblical Leadership

Free Webinar THURSDAY, August 22, 2019, 12 noon to 1 p.m.
Featured speaker:  Sharon Hachman

When I first learned about the disciple building concept called micro discipleship groups it coincided with my own desire to read and pray more scripture. I had heard about the concept from a friend and colleague I trusted greatly. I was all the more intrigued when I started reading Greg Ogden’s Transforming Discipleship. Truthfully, the desire to begin my own micro group was planted from my friend’s first description. I loved the stories of those that formulated the process and those who were already trying it. It is a process that starts slowly but can build to have a great impact over time. What fuels my imagination is that fact that the process immerses you in the same process that Jesus used when forming his own disciples.

While engaging in the study and reflection. the first thing I noticed was the impact on my own prayer life and choices. My experience spilled over into conversation with almost anyone who would listen: family, colleagues, the people I served and with whom I was doing formation. Not more than a few months had passed and I could see the depth of relationship growing with the two amazing women whom God had placed on my heart and who had agreed to join me on this biblical adventure. Something I had learned through the scriptures and topics spilled out into almost every public and private speaking occasion in which I engaged. Come along and listen to the story and see if this adventure speaks to the longing for God in your own heart. Think of how it can begin to impact others.

About Sharon Hachman,
Diocese of Pittsburgh Consultant for Parish Services

Sharon Hachman spent years working in parish (first in the Diocese of Greensburg and then the Diocese of Pittsburgh), school and diocesan religious education before moving into formation with a broader group of lay ecclesial ministers for leadership. In April, after 25 years on the Diocese Staff, God led her to a new story where she now serves as a consultant in Parish Services for the Diocese of Pittsburgh. Sharon is assigned to 18 of the parish groupings in the diocese where she works with Pastors and Parish Administrators, clergy teams and lay leaders. Sharon is grateful for the opportunities to be trained and serve as a Strengths Finder, MCORE and APEST coach. She appreciates both God’s providence and sense of humor as her latest service already has her using skills from each of her past roles and God is always opening doors to new ways to grow in faith and look at the future.

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