Webinar: Discovering Your Unique and Unrepeatable Gift
Our world today suffers from a crisis of meaning; a crisis of purpose. If only people were aware of their purpose and that there is a God who desires to imbue them with graces to live out their natural talents! Metanoia Catholic breaks down what it means to discover your unique and unrepeatable gift.
Living Your Strengths in the Church
In this episode of the Catholic Coaching Podcast, Metanoia Catholic invites Fr. Bill Hanson, who once pastored the most engaged parish in the United States per Gallup polling standards. Discover how Fr. Bill and his parishioners made a courageous effort to go against the grain and try something new in a last-ditch effort to restore a parish headed towards bankruptcy. The proof is in the fruits.
Where is the Human Formation Movement Going? with Patrick Molyneaux
Can you imagine a parish where people knew their unique gifts and shared them abundantly? It can transform a parish when leaders know their strengths. On this episode, we have Patrick Molyneaux, founder of the Human Formation Coalition, helping us flesh out this vision for robust human formation. Pat focuses on elevating awareness and conversation for leaders — whether that's clergy, seminarians, or companies.
DNA-Driven Leadership Video
When leaders do not understand their unique design, their talent DNA, they can't lead from their strengths; this leads to burnout and under-serving their teams and ultimately their organization. The Newton Institute specializes in helping leaders and organizations understand their unique design, and out of that design, understand their purpose as a leader, team member, and an organization to fulfill their unique purpose.
Flourishing Teams: Discussion with the Newton Institute & Human Formation Coalition
In this video a group of leaders and coaches discuss a case study that integrates 3 vital elements for creating Flourishing Teams; Patrick Lencioni’s team framework, Emotional Intelligence, and robust Human Formation (including StrengthsFinder and APEST / MPACT). It’s a great video for leaders and coaches trying to elevate team cohesion and team performance.
Toward an Old Meaning of Vocation
Kate Harris, executive director of The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture, wants to change how we think about vocation. Since “vocation” is derived from the Latin word vox, which means “voice” or “vocal,” she says, we should think about it as “one’s entire life lived in response to God’s voice or call.”
Getting People Right in Leadership with Patrick Molyneaux
No matter what you do, there's a good chance you lead or influence people in some capacity. Whether as pastors, ministry leaders, business owners, managers, parents, or any other role that involves people, it's essential to understand yourself and also to understand the people around you.
Episode 12: Pat Molyneaux, Founder of the Human Formation Coalition
This week we welcome Pat Molyneaux, Founder of the Human Formation Coalition, as he shares how he helps form leaders with CliftonStrengths®. During this episode, you'll learn how you can grow as a leader.
Using CliftonStrengths in Seminary Contexts
For years we have been working in collaboration with clergy and seminary formators and the results from using these tools to help seminarians grow in their human formation are showing. Join this webinar to hear from our guest panel as they share their experiences using CliftonStrengths in seminary contexts and discuss the need for more innovation around human formation within seminaries.
CliftonStrengths Applications within Religious Life
Fr. Boniface Hick, OSB, provides an introduction to what the CliftonStrengths assessment is and the tremendous value it can provide to seminarian formation, community in religious life, and spiritual directees.
StrengthsFinder Full 34 Assessment Tool: The Dynamics of Coaching for the “Bigger Picture”
Joe Cavanaugh III explains how great coaches help clients discover, accept and invest in their innate Strengths to unleash their full God-given potential. This process begins by carefully examining each Strength individually and expands to include greater self-awareness and understanding of the dynamics of the “bigger picture” of one’s Full 34 assessment result.
Growing as a Coach: Tips & Questions Answered by Three Seasoned Coaches
A panel discussion featuring Ms. Sharon Bogusz, Rev. Terry Tim and Fr.Lou Vallone. Whether you are new to coaching others or are an old pro, this is an opportunity to sharpen your effectiveness of helping others.
"Well Begun is Half Done" I've been trained in how to coach, now what?
Sharon Bogusz, Director of Operations for the Human Formation Coalition presents: "Well Begun is Half Done" I've been trained in how to coach, now what? Great coaches develop a process of preparing for each coaching session in order to maximize the experience for their clients.
Integrating Assessments to Find Personal Identity
Integrating Assessments to Find Personal Identity by Mimika Garesche, Missionary Discipleship Coach. After completing coaching around individual assessments that each give a partial view of the person, taking a step back to see the bigger picture of God's creation and how this fits together in this unique individual can be a powerful moment.
The Language of Blessing in a Catholic Context
"What you have to offer the world is so rare that it has never been given before and it will never be given again." Through personal story and concrete examples Joe will help the participant see the importance of learning and deploying the "language" of God's blessing to affirm the unique combination of talents, character, personality and intelligence making each person a gift to the world.
The Power of Achievement Stories for Effective Coaching.
In this webinar Joshua Miller discusses the many positive impacts of beginning the coaching relationship with client achievement stories.
Building Organizational Culture Where Everyone Flourishes
Building Organizational Culture Where Everyone Flourishes: A Discussion with Joshua Miller and Pat Molyneaux.
FM645 w/ Charley Vaughan
On this Divine Renovation Podcast, between minutes 4 and 12, hear an excellent synopsis on using StrengthsFinders and APEST with a team.
The Blessings of Drawing Out the Client Achievement Story
The blessings of drawing out the client achievement story in MCORE coaching, presented by Joshua Miller, PhD.
Building a Culture of Personal Vocation
Building a Culture of Personal Vocation presented by Joshua Miller, PhD.
APEST — In A Catholic Context
How does the APEST assessment, (based on Ephesians 4) work in a Catholic Context? Presented by Fr. Lou Vallone and Gary Fritsch. Download the Mapping Strengths to APEST Coaches Form.
Building Team Strengths through Coaching & Full 34 Coaching
Building Team Strengths through Coaching and the benefits of coaching using the full 34 strengths of the Gallup / CliftonStrengths, presented by Joe Killian.
Strengths Domains & Theme Dynamics
Strengths Domains & Theme Dynamics presented by Sharon Bogusz, Pastoral Associate for Evangelization, Saint Vincent Basilica Parish.